TEMA, The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats

Nature Education Program Portals


The Mini TEMA and Junior TEMA Nature Education Programs, developed by the TEMA Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and with the support of Türkiye İş Bankası, are implemented in schools by volunteer teachers in order to support children and young people in getting to know nature, discovering relationships in nature and gaining ecological literacy skills. The Mini TEMA and Junior TEMA Education Portal (minik-yavrutema.org), which was prepared to enable teachers to access educational content and materials online, also includes resources on ecological literacy and nature education. 

The Middle School TEMA and High School TEMA Nature Education Programs, developed by the TEMA Foundation and prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education to support children and young people to get to know nature, discover the relationships in nature and gain ecological literacy skills, are implemented in schools by volunteer teachers. The Middle School TEMA and High School TEMA Education Portal (e-tema.org/ortaokul-lisetema), which was prepared to enable teachers to access educational content and materials online, also includes resources on ecological literacy and nature education.

Soil TEMA Website

All the elements that make up life on the planet we live on are in a relationship with each other, and in this relationship, soil is of great importance as the source of all terrestrial life, despite being the thinnest layer of the Earth. The topraktema.org website, designed by TEMA Foundation with the contributions of our donor Mr. Turan Demiraslan, was designed to contribute to the development of literacy about the importance of soil in our lives. The infographic-based website includes information on the structure of soil, how it is formed, its importance in the ecosystem, its functions, the reasons for its disappearance, what awaits life as a result of its loss, the measures to be taken to protect soil and all information on sustainable soil management.

Water TEMA Web Site

The website www.sutema.org, which includes infographics, was prepared by TEMA Foundation with the support of Wilo in order to raise awareness among wider audiences on water ecosystems, water problems, sustainable management of water and water literacy and to spread this awareness. The website consists of 8 sections and includes 46 infographics on many topics such as water assets, water cycle, water ecosystems, water use in Turkey and the world, water threats, sustainable management of water and protection of water assets. The website also includes "For Children" and "For Teachers" sections specially designed for children and teachers, as well as a section with images to be shared on social media, where users can test themselves on water literacy and become water volunteers.

Zero Waste Education Portal

The Zero Waste Education Project was prepared by TEMA Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the Ministry of National Education and with the support of Tetra Pak to raise children's awareness on issues such as the protection of natural assets, environmentally friendly consumption habits, waste management and to adopt the "Zero Waste" approach. 

The Zero Waste Education Portal (www.sifiratiktema.org) developed under the project offers rich educational content and materials including presentations, posters, worksheets, project proposals, digital games and animated films for teachers working at pre-school, primary, secondary and high school levels. The Zero Waste Portal is open to everyone in 81 provinces for all levels of education.
